Family and Consumer Sciences
Substitute Teacher Activity Guide
The Substitute Teacher Activity Guide will be used when Mrs. Ball is absent from class. I have created these different activities to give you freedom and choice. It is expected that each time you use the Substitute Teacher Activity Grid you choose a new activity to complete.
Step 1: Whenever Mrs. Ball is absent, you should choose one of the assignments below to complete during your class time. The next time she is absent, you will then choose another activity to complete.
Step 2: Complete your assignment in class. There will be no library, innovation center, or other location passes signed. This work must be completed in the classroom.
Step 3: When you complete your assignment, be sure to include the number of the assignment you chose.
Heading to be used on the assignment:
First Name & Last Name
Assignment Number
Example Heading:
Heather Ball
Step 4: All work must be turned into the substitute at the end of the hour each day I am absent. This means that you will be creating a hard copy of the assignment. Remember that paper, writing utensils, and other helpful items can be located in the dark brown bookshelf or inside the short metal cabinet. Please clean up after yourself and others.